OurDogHouse Newsletters Something to Bark About Valentine’s Day is on the way! Let people know how much your pup means to you.” A Woman and February Events
Featured Product Bumper Stickers are a perfect way to express how you feel about your pet. This is just one more of the many popular sayings that OurDogHouse has. We also have mugs, t-shirt, caps and more. Click here to go to OurDogHouse Move Over Rover Move over Rover! Based on information gathered from their database of nearly 500,000 pets insured by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company, the 10 most popular dog names in 2010 were:
One thing all the names have in common? Pets have become such important parts of our families that traditional pet names such as Fluffy and Fido have given way to endearing human names such as Max and Lily. Valentine’s Day Give-Away Author Timothy Glass is giving one lucky winner a copy of his novel, Postcards, a romantic journey of renewal, love and trust, the second time around. The story also features Molly the Beagle; so we here at our OurDogHouse know that all you dog lovers will enjoy the story! For a chance to win, please visit the author's fan page and type Enter me under the contest post. One winner will be chosen at random at 12:01 AM EST Valentine’s Day, February 14th 2011. Friends with Benefits You feed the dog, take him for a walk and throw his favorite toy for him. You may not think Bella or Buddy does much in return; however, there are quite a few benefits you may not be aware of. The study of human-animal interactions is still relatively new compared to how long we have had pets in our lives. However, research has shown that living with pets provides certain health benefits. Pets help lower blood pressure and lessen anxiety, which reduces stress. They boost our immune system. Male pet owners have fewer signs of heart disease -lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels - than non-owners, researchers say. One of the largest and most well designed studies in this field supports the idea that four-legged friends can help to improve our cardiovascular health. The study, funded by the national Institutes of Health (NIH), looked at 421 adults who suffered heart attacks. A year later, the scientists found dog owners were significantly more likely to still be alive than those who did not own dogs, regardless of the severity of the heart attack. Other studies have shown that dog owners may get more exercise and other health benefits. One NIH-funded investigation looked at more than 2,000 adults and found that dog owners who regularly walked their dogs were more physically active and less likely to be obese than those who didn’t own or walk a dog. Older dog walkers also had greater mobility inside their homes than others in the study. Your best furry friend may help you make more human friends, too. Several studies have shown that walking with a dog leads to more social interaction. Studies have clearly shown that people who have more social relationships tend to live longer and are less likely to show mental and physical decline, as they grow older. So, next time Molly or Max tips over the trash or chews your favorite pair of slippers, remember there are plenty of good reasons to keep them around! Until We Bark Again For new subcribers to our newsletter, we welcome you! To our long-time readers, thanks for your continuing support! We hope you've enjoyed this month's newsletter and invite you to forward this issue to anyone you think might also enjoy it. If you have suggestions for future stories, we'd love to hear them. Please feel free to email your comments and suggestions to OurDogHouse. You can follow our pawprints on Twitter or visit our Twitter update page on our website. Missed an issue of News From OurDogHouse? Paw on over to our Newsletter Archive. |