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About Gunner the Beagle

Gunner the Beagle in the front yardGunner the Beagle came to live with me in September of 1998. He was retired from the show ring after earning his championship. His registered name was Cadas Gunner O' Holly Pine. At eight years old he still looked like a picture perfect Beagle, if there ever was such a thing. He was very much the gentlemen to other pets and humans. In fact I have never in my life met such a compassionate caring dog. Gunner was truly a one in a million and I was honored to be allowed to adopt him or maybe he adopted me? Gunner was a 15" beagle, tri-colored, and even as he aged his colors were very bright and true.

Gunner loved going for rides with me, he loved working beside me out in the yard but most of all his heart belonged to my wife, Cathy. He loved stuffed bears and is pictured on his home page with one of his favorites, Pookie Bear. Every morning when Gunner woke up he would run throughout the house with Pookie Bear greeting everyone in the household carrying the stuffed bear.

Later in life Gunner was faced with a battle I nor anyone could help him win, he became unable to eat. We took him to several vets but no one was sure what was wrong with him. After months of trial and error, no matter what they tried the end result was the same. Early one morning in January 2003, I rushed Gunner to the animal hospital as I had done so many times before and he passed away.

The loss cut to the very core for both my wife and me, but the two other family Beagles, Penny and Panda, were stuffering as well. We talked to one of Gunner's breeders and she knew of a young male puppy that was a great great- grand- son of Gunner. At first we wanted to see the puppy and did, but he looked so much like Gunner that it was just too soon for us. Tyler and Gunner the BeagleSeveral months later we called the lady. She had held the puppy for us. We adopted him and called him Tyler. Note the photo, we have taken a picture of Gunner and inserted it with Tyler.